Object literals in javascript

🔗What is object Literals ?

ES6 allows declaring object literals by providing shorthand syntax for initializing properties from variables , defining function methods. It also enables the ability to have computed property keys in an object literal definition..

🔗Object Property Initializer

Before ES6, the object literal is a collection of name-value pairs. For example,

function user(firstName, lastName) {
return {
firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName,

The above syntax looks repetitive because the firstName and lastName mentioned twice in keys and values of properties.

ES6 allows you to eliminate the duplication when a property of an object is the same as the local variable name by including the name without a colon and value.

function user(firstName, firstName) {
return {

🔗Computed property name :-

Before es6 we could use squre bracket [] notation to enable the computed property names for

the object properties.

var user = {
name: "Sumit",
age: 20,
var profession = "prof_name";
user[profession] = "Web developer";

ES6 introduced a new feature 'computed property names,' which is a part of object literal syntax, and it uses the square bracket [] notation. It allows us to put

an expression within the square

var profession = "prof_name";
var user = {
name: "Sumit",
age: 20,
[profession]: "Web developer",

🔗Concise method syntax :-

Before ES6, defining a method for an object literal, we must have to specify the name and definition of a complete function as represented in the following example:

let user = {
firstName: "Sumit",
lastName: "Harijan",
fullName: function () {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
console.log(user.fullName()); // Sumit Harijan

ES6 uses shorthand syntax, which is also known as the concise method syntax for making a method of the object literal concise by removing the colon (:) and the function keyword.

let user = {
firstName: "Sumit",
lastName: "Harijan",
fullName() {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
console.log(user.fullName()); // Sumit Harijan