What is chaining in javascript

In this post weโ€™ll going to learn chaining with 2 different examples 1 will be very simple to understand concept of chaining 2nd will be little bit complicated

๐Ÿ”—What is Chaining ?

JavaScript allows you to invoke multiple methods on an object in a single expression. Chaining is a process of stringing the method calls together with dots between them.



๐Ÿ”—1 ) Example

In this simple example we have a class with 3 different methods each method console log a some string we invoked all 3 method on an object in a single expression using chaining

class method_chaining {
method1() {
return this;
method2() {
return this;
method3() {
return this;
const method_chaining_obj = new method_chaining();
example 1

๐Ÿ”—2) Example

Let's consider the following requirements and implement chaining for them

  1. Create a variable Obj containing a variable result & create function to add the variables and assign it to result
var Obj = {
result: 0,
addNumber(a, b) {
this.result = a + b;
Obj.addNumber(10, 20); // 10 + 20 = 30
console.log(Obj.result); // 30

The above object contains a single mathematical function to add a two numbers

We need to further extend the functionality to have multiple function chained together let's add one more functionality multiplyNumber to be like this: ๐Ÿ‘‡

Create a variable Obj containing a variable result & create function to add the variables and assign it to result
  1. function to multiply the result by 2

we have to return the current reference of the object that the function is currently executing in this refers to the current executing context let's try using this

Using a this to return the current object reference from the addNumber function

var Obj = {
result: 0,
addNumber: function (a, b) {
this.result = a + b;
return this;
multiplyNumber: function (a) {
this.result = this.result * a;
return this;
Obj.addNumber(10, 20).multiplyNumber(2); // 10+20 = 30 * 2 = 60
console.log(Obj.result); // 60

In the above code, the function addNumber returns the current executing context back from the function call. The next function then executes on this context (referring to the same object), and invokes the other functions associated with the object.

  1. function to Subtract 10 from it and display the result
var Obj = {
result: 0,
addNumber: function (a, b) {
this.result = a + b;
return this;
multiplyNumber: function (a) {
this.result = this.result * a;
return this;
SubtractNumber: function (a) {
this.result = this.result - a;
return this;

Hence were able to achieve function chaining.

Obj.addNumber(10, 20).multiplyNumber(2).SubtractNumber(10);
// 10+20 = 30 * 2 = 60 - 10 = 50
console.log(Obj.result); // 50
Create a variable Obj containing a variable result & create function to add the variables and assign it to result